You deserve the gift of health, treat yourself
Why do we do this ?
We believe that through personal transformation our world will evolve into a nurturing and supportive home for us all. All the disease that we see, personally as health problems, and globally as conflict and war, have their root in suffering through separation from our natural state. By resourcing ourselves through good diet, relaxation, self-expression and loving connection we can gently allow this endless turmoil to find expression and integration. When we touch this we experience ease, happiness, joy and love.
Through education and support, we seek to enable you to take back the life that is yours. We aim to empower you with the confidence to know that the healthy lifestyle you want is possible and easy to achieve. You will be encouraged to understand where you are in your life, and to foster an atmosphere of tenderness and empathy for yourself. We do this because we believe that only from this place can you begin to make new choices and create a life for yourself that is passionate with possibility. Knowing this, we hold your safety, well-being, and environmental factors with great integrity. You will feel this when you arrive.
What do we do ?
I am the main source of information on fasting and detoxification, as well as the overall structure of the week's programme. This is primarily through the discussions around digestion and health during each afternoon nutritional talk. Each morning I am also available for one-to-one sessions to discuss your personal fasting experience. Included in this are the discussions around diet and detoxification. As these are my specialties, I am very happy to answer questions on these subjects.
My area of interest and knowledge is the physiology of what you will be going through during the week, as well as the psychology of the process, in which I well-versed.
Holding the group as a general facilitator, means that I am available, both for the group, and for the individuals; to answer questions, explore possibilities, and advise where I am asked.
Every morning at 8am I lead a sequence of Tai Chi warm-up exercises which gently open the body joints, stretch connective tissues and muscles and get things moving. This is followed by a 15 minute non-religious Meditation session, the aim of which is to experience the simplicity of just being. Many participants have taken these exercises into their daily practice.
When we give ourselves the opportunity to retreat it is always a potent time to reflect on our lives. Time to take stock, to notice where we have come to, what works and feels good and what doesn’t. One of the great benefits of fasting is that it brings us closer to our inner world - our feelings, intuitions and emotional responses which is often the antipathy of our modern lives where the focus is on goals, action and success.
During the retreat you have a time for a one-to-one coaching/therapy/mentoring session with me. I am interested in seeing you and working with you as you are so that you might discover your own unique nature, your own truth and your own greatness that you are already being.
During the week, I will also run workshop sessions where we will use sharing, exercises and group inquiries to explore aspects of life that are relevant to the retreat process. For example; Exploring stress and anxiety.
I am also on hand when it comes to the practicalities of heating, light bulbs, etc.
I will be planning and organizing your treatments on the retreat, being your contact person for these, as well as being the main resident therapist. I will be available to talk to you on the first evening of your retreat to discuss treatments, and throughout the retreat if the need arises.
I work with a team of therapists whom I carefully choose because of the quality of their work. All therapists on our retreat are fully qualified & insured, and will be monitored by me. Please give me your continuing feedback about your experiences in the treatment room, as I really care about excellence.
SURA DETOX has been around since 2007 in various forms
Sura Detox was formed in 2006 by Dao and Amida and joined by Kate and Benita. Dao's partner Nikki joined the team in 2011 and after Amida left in 2013 to focus on other ventures, Daniel, Kate's husband stepped in to take his place.
The word 'Sura' means 'teaching' in arabic, and that underpins what we do. You can fast and retreat for a week and that will undoubtedly create changes in your body that will leave you feeling alive and refreshed. But then what ?
It is what happens in the weeks and months after your retreat that makes the real difference. If we help you to find the experience, insight and knowledge that supports you in making the choices that bring you closer to the truth of who you are, then we have done our job.