Water Fasting
Juice Fasting
Water Fasting
Historically, water fasting is found in all traditions, and has a time-tested track record for enhancing physical health, as well as mental well-being. However, in our comfort-oriented society, a water-only fast, seems like a bit of a stretch for most people, so we primarily offer juice fasts.
But water fasting is what its all about really.
We have always encouraged our guests to drink as little juice as they can, to explore the limits of their comfort zone, and move as close to water fasting as they dare.
Water fasting takes one much deeper into the underbelly of our emotions, and can propel us through the lows of despair, and into the heights of spacious bliss.
While the body is happy to take full advantage of the complete break from digestion, the mind can find it a hard place to be, so we do present this option with some caution, as it is not for everyone. Our guests often return year after year until they are comfortable with juice fasting, before they switch to a water fast.
However, over the years, we have seen a growing number of people looking for a safe place to do a water fast, and we are more than happy to manage this for those willing to go deep.
Juice Fasting
Even though our retreats are advertised as juice fasts, we encourage people to drink as much water as possible during the week, as it is the water that acts as a means of carrying toxins from the system.
The herbals teas don’t necessarily detract from this, but their real role is only to bring some variety to the experience.
We have been encouraging people to drink as little juice as they can get by, based upon the principle that as less nutrients & energy come in, the body switches to other forms of nourishment, and has to drill into it’s own fat reserves & toxin stores to get what it needs. Therefore the less juice, the deeper the cleanse.
But each person needs to be happy with their overall energy levels, and feel safe with the emotions that arise throughout the fast, so each person is managed differently.
But everyone is given the same mantra to adhere to
If you’re thirsty, drink water
If you’re not thirsty, drink water
If you don’t know if you’re thirsty or not - drink water
We provide glass water bottles for everyone, but if you have your own, bring a water bottle to carry around with you at all times.
Culture Shift
As the cultural acceptance of fasting has widened, the number of our guests moving to a water fast has escalated.
In the last year or so, since an explosion of fasting research has made the idea of ‘intermittent fasting’ popular, and brought the subject of fasting generally to the public’s attention, around half of each group will move swiftly and easily to a water fast.
So, if you are looking to explore the possibility of a water fast, you will not be alone in doing so.
And it is always clear that those prepared to go the deepest, will come up the shiniest at the end of the week.
You can read more on the general principles of fasting here, and more on water here
Water Fasting : Scientific resources
Water Fasting—The Clinical Effectiveness of Rebooting Your Body
by Craig Gustafson : PMID: 26770100 : ntegr Med (Encinitas). 2014 Jun; 13(3): 52–57.
Fasting induces an anti-inflammatory effect on the neuroimmune system which a high-fat diet prevents
by Desiree N. Lavin,1 Jennifer J. Joesting,2 Gabriel S. Chiu,1 Morgan L. Moon,1 Jia Meng,3 Ryan N. Dilger,2 andGregory G. Freund1,2,3 : PMID: 21527899 : 2011 Apr 28
Fasting Therapy - an Expert Panel Update of the 2002 Consensus Guidelines
By Wilhelmi de Toledo F.a·Buchinger A.b·Burggrabe H.c·Hölz G.d·Kuhn C.a·Lischka E.a·Lischka N.a·Lützner H.d·May W.e·Ritzmann-Widderich M.f·Stange R.g·Wessel A.h·Boschmann M.i·Peper E.a·Michalsen A.g, j
2013, Vol.20, No. 6 December 2013
Fasting therapy for treating and preventing disease - current state of evidence.
By Michalsen A1, Li C. 2013;20(6):444-53. doi: 10.1159/000357765. Epub 2013 Dec 16.
Integrative Physiology of Fasting. By Secor SM1, Carey HV2.
Compr Physiol. 2016 Mar 15;6(2):773-825. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c150013.
Fasting and cancer: molecular mechanisms and clinical application.
By Nencioni A1,2, Caffa I1, Cortellino S3, Longo VD4,5. Nat Rev Cancer. 2018 Nov;18(11):707-719. doi: 10.1038/s41568-018-0061-0.