Detox Testimonials from 2007
Some are extracts from feedback sheets that are handed out at on the final day, at the end of their retreat.
Others are longer term information comes from the letters previous clients have sent us after returning home.
Here we have years of feedback here,
or independent reviews available on Tripadvisor
Plus many other years of feedback forms, and written testimonials
Nov 2007 - Lindsey
I have been on a number of different detox retreats in different countries, and I haven't come across such a supportive & highly skilled team as here at Sura.
This highly skilled and supportive team support you through the detox process in a truly caring and knowledgeable way. *
Nov 2007 - Stephanie
Most aspects of the retreat were special, but I feel that it is the sum of the parts that have really changed my life. The talks, the treatments,homeopathy, astrology have all given me a renewed sense of importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
I feel lighter, and have bountiful energy. But for me it is not just the physical, I feel like my whole body and mind have been detoxed... Its a fresh start, and I feel much less scared about the changes I will make that I thought I would. It's not daunting, it's empowering.
It has freed my mind, and I look forward to practising all I have been offered here. *
Oct 2007 - Cyndy
Sorry not to have sent this sooner. Thanks very much for the experience on the 19 Oct retreat. The whole team made the stay so enjoyable - I never thought I'd say that about a "no-food" holiday! - and I'm making a determined effort to build on the knowledge and understanding gained. Even managed to stick to raw on the 400 mile journey back home, whereas before I would have been stopping for lattes and cakes I happily survived the journey on your beautiful bag of organic fruit and lots of grapes and salads from M&S Simply Food in the service stations on the way home. And I wasn't forcing myself, on the contrary I actually enjoyed it.
I was worried about my very sweet tooth but am deliriously happy after using Google to discover the existence of raw chocolate cake and have booked up to go on a 1 day raw food course with Simply Raw next Saturday near Liverpool. *
Sept 2007 - Joanne
Sura have got it right. The program, people and stacks of information made my experience here exceptional.
They totally delivered on their mission statement and the grand finale meal was absolutely stunning.
Thank you gazzilions. *
Sept 2007 - Sue
There are many holidays abroad advertising Detox , but I wouldn’t fly anymore. I wanted something local and this was perfect.
No messing, no mumbo jumbo, just facts about your tum and bum! I feel like a new woman, open enthusiastic, clean inside and out.
I salute the whole team, who cover every aspect of the detox with empathy, knowledge, experience and harmony. If only I had done this many years ago! *
July 2007 - Julia
I have found the effects of the fast to have been much more profound than I imagined at the time. My daughter treats me quite differently - she says I am so much more laid back that she doesn't worry about whether I'm too stressed to say things to. I feel quite different, as though I have separated from large chunks of past trauma, which chunks I don't know and don't care. I feel I have started again in a different place.
Food was great for a couple of weeks and I'm now finding it harder but I can still see the track clearly even when I'm drifting a bit. I am in no doubt that it has to be this way, just adjusting I think.
Alcohol is still the hardest thing. It's funny how on the fast we talked about food all the time and now we talk endlessly about fasting. There's so much interest. *