Detox Testimonials from 2009
Some are extracts from feedback sheets that are handed out at on the final day, at the end of their retreat.
Others are longer term information comes from the letters previous clients have sent us after returning home.
Here we have years of feedback here,
or independent reviews available on Tripadvisor
Plus many other years of feedback forms, and written testimonials
Sept 2009 - Mike & Susan B. - Kent
"I wanted to write, not for you but for all the people that may come to your website, because what you are offering is so much more than a detox or weight loss programme although these may be the key words you have to use to attract clients.
Colonics is a dirty word to many people and generally we are so closed off about our bodies that many people would not give your programme a second thought but it is such a small part of the journey we have been on this last week. Add to that the thought of fasting for a week and probably 99% of people would have clicked back to their search engine results.
When they do they will have missed one of the few genuine opportunities to change their life for the better.
Emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally I feel renewed but more than anything I feel educated about food and diet for the first time in my life. It is hard for me to believe that the majority of the Western world is feeding itself a toxic diet that is leaving it more malnourished than the inhabitants of much poorer countries, added to which obesity, diabetes and many other avoidable conditions arise directly from their food choices. They say you can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, I may have been one of the latter until now but it seems to be that the propaganda from the food drug and chemical companies have fooled the vast majority and they are still getting away with it.
From now I will not be so gullible about food and that starts by challenging all the ideas you taught us in the last 7 days, which knowing you I am sure you would approve of, however this way I will prove your theories for myself and become one of your greatest advocates, although I am pretty sure there are very few that leave you without the same commitment.
No one can offer miracle cures but you do provide the tools by which we can try to make our own miracles.
I can’t thank you enough." *
Sept 2009 - Angela S. - Cheshire
"I wanted to drop you a line to thank you and the team for the most wonderful week last week. I left it until now to feedback just to make sure the initial euphoria and good intentions didn't quickly wear off (as if!) but of course they haven't, and I'm delighted to say that I am feeling and looking healthier and happier than I have done in years.
It's really difficult to describe to people why the week has felt so life-changing for me as there are so many factors but for me the Sura team are probably the single most important factor. Yourself, Amida, Kate and Benita all contributed in such important but different ways, but the thing that you all have in common for me anyway, is your enthusiasm, sincerity, kindness and genuine desire to help people with the changes they want to make in their lives.
I feel very lucky to have had such a smooth and 'easy' week, in that I know some people had 'down' days or times when they felt tired, but for me, I loved the feeling of being cleansed, the increased lightness I felt every day, and the physical differences in how I looked over the week (weight, complexion etc). For me it helped keeping active, getting up to do Thai Chi every morning (thank you Amida, that was the best possible start to the day), the lovely walks I managed to do (once again, we were SO lucky with the weather!), the daily swimming, the massages (which I loved so much I'm going to start having a regular massage at least once a month). I don't know whether it was just my session with Kate, or that combined with the fact that I'm feeling so physically and mentally great, that has made me feel that I can finally leave some difficult emotional issues behind me. It's a good example I think of the multi-pronged approach of the week i.e that to have a really good clear out/overhaul of your life, it needs to be mental as well as physical, and I think it's primarily this that makes it so much more effective than a 'spa holiday'.
I wasn't expecting to be so affected by your nutritional talks. I've never dieted, but I've spent years telling myself to eat more healthily, drink less, blah, blah, blah... much of it common sense, why has it taken until now for the penny to finally drop? Obviously a big part of that is your knowledge, and the way you get the message across, quietly, convincingly, passionately, and without any 'shoulds or shouldn'ts' that you normally get where food/dietary advice is concerned. But the reason it's so powerful and has such an impact, is also for me, down to the fact that you experience for yourself the physical benefits of looking after your body and cleansing it over the week, at the same time as absorbing all this information. How can you possibly not be convinced about making positive changes when you leave feeling so utterly fantastic?
I've made big changes to my diet since I've returned home - very little meat, diary, no bread or potatoes as yet, masses more fruit and veg, more raw food in general, and I'm even having a nut milk shake every morning (with a banana)! It's so easy. I'm enjoying my food more, don't feel in the least bit deprived, and have hardly had an alcoholic drink (one or two glasses of wine) since I got back. I'm sleeping better, getting into work earlier, am more enthused and just generally nicer to people. I've not put any of the 10 lbs I lost back on, and I'm determined I'm not going to. In fact, if I carry on like this, I'm sure I'll continue to lose and get back to my 'ideal weight' fairly soon.
Thanks to all of you for making it such an inspirational, enjoyable and life-changing week. I've told lots of people about it and a friend and her partner are seriously thinking of signing up in the next couple of months.
All the best and hope to see you again (for a top up and just another lovely relaxing, chilled week!." *
March 2009 - George T. - Midlands
"Benita said to me on the first day of the retreat, "being empty is can be a good place to be." I couldn't agree with her then because I had never experienced it for myself. For me, the fasting and the cleaning out process was more than just an abstention from food and purging out of old matter. It was also emotionally cathartic.
I personally benefited from the fact that the holistic approach you and your team have wasn't in your face as such....by that I mean there were no pep talks on how to change our lives etc., or amazing claims to get us to do something you think would be good for us, or dire warnings not do things you think would be bad for us. But the quiet simplicity of the program you all put together, and the way you all carry out your various duties at the retreat, and the lessons you taught, not just through the talks etc., but just the way you all were, served to make me quite aware of just how harmful this hyped up world is for me, and just how complicated we can make our lives by listening to all the noise we are constantly bombarded with from all angles. It gave me an opportunity to step back so to speak, and really see how and why I had gotten into the state I was in that prompted me to come to Sura Detox.
On returning home, I found that I was feeling particularly calm, and even though it was my Birthday and I was excited to be home, I was just so laid back that I knew instantly something had changed. I wasn't aware of it during the three hour drive back, but when I stepped through the door I was just simply different, and I knew it. My lovely husband was very surprised! After about half an hour he said, "George, you're so chilled, have you been smoking anything funny?" Ha Ha.
My calm assertive energy affected my dogs too.....after they got over the initial frenzy of seeing me again, (they missed me:))both of them were particularly chilled out and much more responsive to commands etc. I'm now trying to feed them raw food more often, as I want them to live as long as possible, and be as healthy as they are now for the rest of their lives.
As far as my own eating goes, I stuck entirely to raw fruits and vegetables for the first two days after the retreat. Since then I have been about 80% raw, but have not had any meat at all, and I really don't miss it. I had my first alcoholic drink last night, it was okay- and we had a lovely evening with friends and family who all commented on my weight loss and my lovely clear skin. Whilst at the retreat I lost a whole stone, and have put back on about 4 pounds this first week. So, altogether I'm 10 pounds lighter, and currently I don't have any cravings, and I'm loving the fact that my bowel is now normal--- I'm a twice a day girl now...I don't remember ever having such good bowel function, and boy it does make you feel a lot better!!
Oh!!!! And I've been sleeping brilliantly!! Every single night since the retreat, I've dropped off easily, stayed asleep, had great dreams, and woken feeling refreshed. You simply can't beat that!!
So, a positive experience and one I heartily recommend to anyone and everyone.
Lots of Love and best wishes to you all." *