Detox Testimonials from 2013
Some are extracts from feedback sheets that are handed out at on the final day, at the end of their retreat.
Others are longer term information comes from the letters previous clients have sent us after returning home.
Here we have years of feedback here,
or independent reviews available on Tripadvisor
Plus many other years of feedback forms, and written testimonials
Nov 2013 - Sam R. - London
"Good news; we have become sprouters - we have been making almond milk every other day.
Make smoothies every morning Consumed shit loads of beetroot pate. I have just brought a dehydrator and we are virtually living "off the canopy".
James has lost a further 3/4 stone and I have lost half a stone since getting home.
We are not eating any grains - a little meat and a little dairy but hugley cut down.
Thank you for the experience. It was everything it promised to be." *
Nov 2013 - Katharine C. (NeuroScientist) - London
"Thank you so much for a wonderful week! Peter and I cannot describe fully with words how transformational last week was for us, so a huge, huge thank you to you and all the team. I have found that, not only has the level of inflammation in my body decreased significantly, and some side effects of that inflammation have completely disappeared, but also that my whole way of thinking has changed markedly, and this has been the most astonishing effect of the whole week!
So we have made and eaten the raw soup, granola, buckwheaties, soaked all the nuts and seeds, and rearranged our kitchen a little more!
Although in no way have we pigged out since coming home, we did not realise at first how very slowly we had to go as regards re-introduction of food, but we have learned over the weekend, and all is well now.
I am emailing Nikki with some more questions about food. I found her so inspirational, both in Yoga and in food preparation.
Peter and I look forward to keeping in touch with you all, and to a return retreat - it really was marvellous." *
September 2013 - James O. - London
"We came to this one specifically because we had done our homework, and wanted to work with and meet with Dao - as he is the authority on this subject.
It has been an amazing experience - the genuine article.
Highlighted by our previous experience of a bad copy at Anamchara." *
July 2013 - Heather K. - Hampton
"A brilliant balance. I have loved every minute of it. It is run by some wonderful people who really know their stuff.
Amazingly, I didn't feel hungry at all. I will certainly be coming back. A really big thank you & loads of gratitude." *
July 2013 - Kim J. - Surrey
"A fantastic week I've had - thank you all so, so much for your support and encouragement.
I've learned a lot on ALL levels, and it will change my direction for the better.
The food prep was inspirational and creative - and I am left wanting more ." *
August 2013 - Irene & Manu C. - Italy
"I was married for about 3 years when my husband was diagnosed with a "varicocele" on his right testicle. Before going under surgery he had to do some fertility test and the result was not promising at all. Very low sperm count and slow mobility. They told us that they could not guarantee that the situation would improve after surgey. And 6 month later unfortunately the situation was still the same. I really felt that a good "clean out" of our systems would improve our chances to concieve.
We came to Sura detox in March and when we came back we really stuck to an healthy 70% raw eating... I can only say that by the end of April I was pregnant and I had a blissful pregnancy. No sickness, no major cravings...
I gave birth to a healthy boy of 9.2 lb! Very happy and I can only thank Sura detox for making this possible." *
July 2013 - Jo & Carlos - London
"In terms of fertility, there was never anything medically or physically wrong with us; we were unlucky enough to be 'unexplained'.
A particular aspect that I did find very useful was the allergy testing (kinesiology). I had just been to see an immunologist (these are the lengths that we went to with IVF!), who advised that I had a very active immune system. Not auto-immune, so no medical issues, but just a bit too efficient. It was explained that my TH1:TH2 Cytokine ratio was out of kilter. It was tipped into a TH1 dominance, which is very un-baby friendly. TH1 represents TNFa (tumour necrosis factor alpha), which as the name suggests, kills tumours. Great against cancer, but not so good for an embryo.
What I discovered at the retreat, and later discussed with my immunologist, was my intolerance to gluten. I have what's known as a silent intolerance, so I have no symptoms, other than internally whereby my TNFa levels rise. Previous to the retreat, I had spent approximately £5,000 on horrendous drugs keeping my cytokines in check ; post retreat my levels remain within range, on a gluten-free diet. Just Google 'gluten and fertility' and the Western world is making this link more and more." *
June 2013 - Julie S. - Devon "This is my first retreat, and it has been very good. I've felt completely relaxed since I arrived, and well supported and informed through the difficult times.
The venue is beautiful and peaceful - perfect for this kind of retreat.
The daily talks with Dao were absolutely amazing. Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge - and such fun. I've learned so much.
I really enjoyed the morning sessions with Amida, and his pearls of wisdom.
I hope to return." *
June 2013 - Emma M. - London
"The retreat overall was awesome - again!
It's such an amazing experience, and you're all always around to support us and help us either with your knowledge or by giving us hugs. Why anyone would chose another retreat baffles me, as you provide us with a physical detox and also give us the tools to be able to implement it in the real world.
This was my 4th detox with you and I'm coming back again in 12-18 months.
I loved the new introduction to food prep on the last day." *
May 2013 - Nel B. - Barbados
"Back home and into the swing of things. Just saying 'Thanks' for a memorable experience at Sura Detox. Came not knowing what to expect (particularly the colonic aspect), but soon realized that my hesitations were unfounded.
Being able to escape the frenetic life for a week, surrounded by idyllic nature and be refreshed physically, mentally and spiritually is really an opportunity to grasp and cherish.
It was clear and moonlight when we were there, and often I would get up during the night to gaze at the starry sky unimpeded by garish electric light. The birds at my window every morning added to the charm of it all.
I must make mention of the congenial staff and participants who all contributed to the enjoyment of the week. Kudos to you and other members of the Team.
Once again, Thanks a million for everything.
Peace & Jo." *
March 2013 - Irene S. - Glasgow
"I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay. Everyone has been so friendly.
I hope to make major changes to my lifestyle (within reason), and think that if anything could kick-start this then the retreat will.
Fabulous bunch of people running this - so knowledgeable, but realistic in what people want to achieve.
My skin is much softer, and some patches of eczema have gone completely. My face is clearer too." *
March 2013 - Irene C. - Italy
"Sura Detox is really a life changing experience. You will feel looked after every moment of your stay.
The surrounding is amazing and the cottages cosy and warm, really make you feel like at home.
The program that Sura Detox offers fits perfectly with the "fasting" week. Da's talks, Benita's treatments, Amida's Thai Chi, Kate's support are just priceless. I will reccoment this experience to anyone who really believe that we deserve a chance for our heath and wellbeing." *
March 2013 - Irene S. - Glasgow "Just returned from Sura Detox Retreat and I feel amazing. Lost almost a stone during my week, but that was just a bonus.
What a relaxing time I had, hardly realised that I wasn't eating. All the guys are fantastic and make you so welcome. Amida's Tai Chi, Nikki's Yoga and Dao's nutritional talks all come together to give you a new perspective on life and you leave feeling refreshed, invigorated and ready to change the world as well as your eating habits.
The accommodation is really quaint. Gorgeous little cottages and the farmhouse. So rustic, but really comfortable.The common area is less so, but a really easy going and comfortable place to meet and get to know your fellow retreaters - but only if you want to. There's also a lovely pool area and sauna which you can use anytime.
No one puts any pressure on you to do anything you don't feel like, and everyone understands if you feel the need to have a duvet day.
Just one more point - I know there are a few of these retreats, but I can't imagine that any others enjoy anything close to the inspiring and informative talks which Dao gives daily, which really motivate you to carry on with your new eating regime when you leave, and give you a real understanding of what effects your food has on your body - nothing like the nutritional information you are used to hearing. These talks surely set Sura apart from any of the others.
Recommend that everyone does this at least once." *
January 2013 - Mark A. - Cheshire "Jan 2013 was my second visit because, not only is it great value for money, but the staff actually really know what they are doing.
From the comfort of an amazing country setting, you are able to totally change your outlook on life, or just chill out and relax – whatever you want. The staff know their stuff, care and support you magnificently through your own personal journey. This is a gentle, holistic way to do something I originally conceived as quite radical.
Its not only painless, its actually pleasurable, to let go of the emotional obsession we have with food, and focus on nurturing the soul and allowing the body to self heal.
If your truly ready for change, on any level, this place will enable you to understand what you want and help you make those changes. Frankly, if every week away brought this type of serenity, the world would be a better place." *
January 2013 - Eloise L. - Hants
"The retreat did everything I hoped it would. And more. The team is great..
I feel amazing now. So energetic, and enjoyed being hungry for a change.
I lost weight. My elbow and arm pain nearly gone. Excema in ears gone, and archilles heel feels much better.
I wanted a proper detox, not fluffy and stuff. And I totally got it!
January 2013 - Chloe W. - London "The venue is so peaceful perfect for this kind of thing.
The retreat overall was wonderful! This I found it harder in myself than last time.
My back feels much better, and my skin clearer - yay !
It is so inspiring; living for a week on so little. It makes me want to simplify my routine and go after what makes me really happy and healthy." *